"Beloved Demons is an insight into the soul . . . an extraordinarily frank exploration of the deepest, darkest crevices of human experience with occasional lashings of light and humour. It’s a poetic and visceral stream of consciousness." "[Anthony's] short stories were amazing, often triggering but always full of heart. In the end, they made me feel good about myself and the world, even if, in the beginning, I was feeling very much down."
—Sarah from France "I felt a kind of relief as I read the stories about Martignetti’s family. They made me feel less lonely about having been through similar moments myself, and even about having a hard time dealing with it. Also, when he talked about hate in the last chapter, admitting to feel it even about people he barely knows, I thought it was very brave, and very enlightening (to me) as a way to understand and accept that such emotions (considered "bad") are too a part of being human. As I read Lunatic Heroes, I never felt so strongly the cathartic effect that someone's stories can have in another person, that is, ultimately, the effect that art can have over another random person." "Beloved Demons is about the human condition. Predominantly love. I drank from this book. There was the need to digest and ponder for a while after finishing some stories. You realise how astounding and real a human can be through Anthony’s personal narrative. "Naked, vulnerable, transparent, raw, wide open, honest, heartfelt, funny, tragic, truthful .... just some of the words that spring to mind to describe [Beloved Demons]. Oh, did I mention it's incredibly well-written, poetic in places and always intelligent, witty, sharp, provocative, challenging ... This book will make you think, it will make you weep, laugh, and -- if you're like me -- dance around the room when you're done. Many of these stories are not easy to read, because they are SO truthful they make you squirm. But stick with it ... you will not only see into the heart and soul of a compassionate and wise man, full of human frailties and foibles, but you will probably also see into your own heart as Martignetti's particular personal experiences point at the universal human condition." |
"[Beloved Demons] takes you into a poignant and dark journey deep through the lanes and alleys of a human soul. A soul brave enough to let guests in without cleaning up and hiding certain things. . . . It is a collection of mind twists and hungry thinking. . . . We all should read such memoirs.” "Sometimes a work is so powerful and potent in its courage and its honesty that it lifts up the space around itself, inviting intimacy and strength all at once. I am grateful for the introduction to his work and honour the way people dedicated to their own life journeys tend to discover and share treasures along the way. Anthony's books have become shared treasures, it appears, for many who have been moved by his writing and his stories. |